1. Ceramics
  2. Statuettes
  3. Cactuses
  4. Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

Ceramic Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

Author's ceramic home decor, hand molding (hand-made). Decorative figurine Cactus Hymnokalitsium Mihanovych.

Height - 13 cm


  • natural clay,
  • ceramic paints,
  • colorless glossy glaze.
Rating: 4.7 of 5 - 93 reviews
Price: 23 $
Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Cactus ceramic, height - 13 cm, photo 1 of 4.
Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Cactus ceramic, height - 13 cm, photo 2 of 4.
Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Cactus ceramic, height - 13 cm, photo 3 of 4.
Cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii - Cactus ceramic, height - 13 cm, photo 4 of 4.

Figures of ceramic decorative cacti

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Ceramic Notocactus ottonis - Cactus ceramic, height - 12 cm, photo 1 of 6.

Ceramic cactus Notocactus ottonis — buy cactus figurine. Author's ceramic Home decor, hand molding.

23 $
In stock

Cactus Opuntia

Cactus Opuntia - Cactus ceramic, height - 13 cm, photo 1 of 5.

Ceramic Cactus Opuntia — buy ceramic cactus. Author's ceramiсs decor of interiors: home decor, decor for cafe, hand molding (hand-made).

25 $
In stock

Cramic Echinocereus knippelianus

Cramic Echinocereus knippelianus - Cactus ceramic, height - 15,5 cm, photo 1 of 2.

Buy «Clay cactus Echinocereus knippelianus». Author's ceramic decor for home, cafe, restaurants.

28 $
To order