1. Ceramics
  2. Tableware
  3. Pialas and sauceboats
  4. Light Green patina

Clay bowl with light green patina

Light Green patina

Piala is hand made with the use of a special method, has a unique unrepeatable texture, which is well emphasized by toning, covered with food glaze.

Height - 6 cm, Diameter - 11.5 cm


  • natural clay,
  • ceramic paints,
  • colorless glossy food glaze.
Rating: 4.8 of 5 - 97 reviews
Price: 12 $
Light Green patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 6 cm, diameter - 11.5 cm, photo 1 of 4.
Light Green patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 6 cm, diameter - 11.5 cm, photo 2 of 4.
Light Green patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 6 cm, diameter - 11.5 cm, photo 3 of 4.
Light Green patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 6 cm, diameter - 11.5 cm, photo 4 of 4.

Pials or saucepans with patina effect

Blue patina

Blue patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 6 cm, diameter - 11.5 cm, photo 1 of 4.

Buy «Clay bowl with blue patina». Made in manual with the use of a special method, has a unique texture, which is well emphasized by toning, covered with food glaze.

12 $
To order

Green patina

Green patina - Pialy and sauceboats, height - 5,5 cm, diameter - 10 cm, photo 1 of 3.

Buy «Clay bowl with green patina». Hand Maded with the use of a special method, has a unique texture, which is well emphasized by toning, covered with food glaze.

11 $
In stock