1. Ceramics
  2. Statuettes
  3. Animals and Birds
  4. Bear-toed

Ceramic Bear-toed


Author's ceramic figurine of the Bear, made on order. It is painted with ceramic paints and covered with glaze.

Height - 11 cm


  • natural clay,
  • ceramic paints,
  • colorless glaze glaze.
Rating: 4.7 of 5 - 96 reviews
Price: 21 $
Bear-toed - Animals and birds, height - 11 cm, photo 1 of 2.
Bear-toed - Animals and birds, height - 11 cm, photo 2 of 2.

Ceramic figurines of animals and birds

Owl «I will not say anything»

Owl «I will not say anything» - Animals and birds, height - 14cm, photo 1 of 4.

Buy «Ceramic Owl «I will not say anything»». Author's ceramics, handmade - a statuette of an owl, made to order in a private collection.

23 $
To order

Owl — the guard

Owl — the guard - Animals and birds, height - 15 cm, photo 1 of 1.

Buy «Ceramic Owl — the guard». Author's ceramics, handmade - statuette of owl - the guard, made on order.

23 $
To order

Owl «I see nothing»

Owl «I see nothing» - Animals and birds, height - 14 cm, photo 1 of 3.

Buy «Ceramic Owl «I see nothing»». Author's ceramics, handmade - statuette of owl, made on order.

23 $
To order